2. Sketch out all the points you want to make. it doesn’t have to be in order at this point. Just brainstorm all the things that you’d like to say.
3. Avoid innuendo. Even if it’s tempting – keep it as a family show! Remain true to your personality, if you don’t normally tell jokes, telling them now may seemed force and inauthentic.
4. Decide if you think you’d feel more comfortable reading, just using bullet points or memorising your speech. They all have their pros and cons.
5. Practice makes perfect, so make sure you rehearse it. Try doing this out loud and in front of a mirror. You may feel silly doing this at first and it may feel uncomfortable, but the more you do it, the more at ease you will be on the day – and don’t drink too much before hand!
6. Don’t forget to breathe! A few deep breaths will get the oxygen into your body and settle the nerves a bit.
7. Careful not to speak too quickly. You don’t want your hard work to go to waste because no one could understand what you were saying!
8. Don’t forget who you are giving the speech to. Try and make eye contact with different parts of the room.
9. As above, project your voice. Volume will stop people understanding and hearing you as well as speed.
10. If the venue provide a microphone, don’t be scared of it. It won’t work if you hold it down by your side. Hold the microphone just under your mouth and a small distance away from your face.
11. Keep to your points. No one enjoys a speech that lasts for an hour!
12. If you receive applause or laughter, take a pause. Don’t speak over your audiences reactions. Appreciate their appreciation!
13. Speak from the heart. Don’t worry about what people will think if you really show your feelings. Today is about love so don’t be afraid to show it.

Who normally gives the speeches?
Speeches are normally given by:
The Father Of The Bride
Understandably, this is a very emotional moment for the brides Dad. Here are a few themes that often get covered within the speech:
1. Welcome the family and friends and thank you’s for attending.
2. Often humorous and perhaps embarrassing stories of the brides childhood and teenage years.
3. Recognition of the fantastic choice of husband!
4. Welcoming the new son-in-law to the family.
5. A toast to “The Bride & Bridegroom” at the end of the speech
The pressure is off the groom a little bit. He isn’t expected to be the ‘entertainer’ part of the speeches. Although no one will complain if you are!
In his speech, the Groom would normally thank:
1. His wife’s father for the toast and the welcome into the family.
2. All the friends and family for coming, especially those that have travelled long distances.
3. Anyone who has been a significant help in the planning of the day (especially if they have made a large financial contribution – for example the bride’s parents).
4. The grooms parent for love and support.
5. His best man for being the best!
6. The bride for all the reasons he loves her.
7. Bridesmaids, Flower Girls, Page Boys and Ushers.
8. A toast to “The Bridesmaids” at the end of the speech.
Best Man
This is often the one that everyone is waiting for! Traditionally funny, warm and revealing!
1. Thank the Groom for his toast to the Bridesmaids and his kind words.2. If there are any messages from family that could not make it or are abroad etc, these can be read out.
3. The Best Man can mention the Grooms strengths (and weaknesses!).
4. Funny stories. Perhaps anecdotes about growing up together or any particularly fond memories.
5. Mention the bride. How they got together and perhaps how she has had a positive effect on the Groom.
6. A toast to “The Bride & Bridegroom” at the end of the speech
Often the Groom will present gifts to the Bridesmaids, Pageboys, Ushers and the Best Man during his Speech. When thanking parents, flowers may be presented to the Mums.